In a Nutshell Key Figures

1 Investitionsvolumen EN

Expected investment volume in the project pipeline

4 Immobilien Kennzahlen

Improved key real estate figures and solid financing structure

5 Neuzugänge

Board of Directors and Management strengthened

2 Mieterstruktur EN

Broadly diversified tenant structure and comfortable weighted average unexpired lease term (WAULT)

3 Landfläche EN

Surface area, 44 sites with 114 properties

6 Solarstromproduktion

Solar energy production considerably expanded at our sites

Market value of real estate investment in %

according to use as at 31.12.2021

1 Industry, Commercial 38.6%
2 Building land 12.2%
3 Distribution, Logistics 11.5%
4 Retail 11.0%
5 Residential 10.2%
6 Office 10.1%
7 Residential, Commercial 5.6%
8 Miscellaneous 0.8%

according to canton as at 31.12.2021

A Zurich 27.8%
B Aargau 24.2%
C Geneva 14.8%
D Zug 7.7%
E Solothurn 7.4%
F Baselland 6.8%
G St. Gallen 4.3%
H Miscellaneous 7.0%