HIAG Immobilien Acquires Cham Nord Immobilien AG

Publié: 25. juin 2014

Media Release

Cham Nord Immobilien AG is a subsidiary of Seewarte Holding AG. The entire "Cham Nord" site covers 46'282 m², 20'051 m² of which already belonged to HIAG Immobilien prior to the transaction. The site is located between the city centre of Cham (ZG) and the A4 highway, adjacent to the future Cham-Hünenberg bypass. The site is in the WA5 residential and commercial zone and is subject to a legally binding urban design plan. In 2013, the land owners HIAG Immobilien and Seewarte, along with representatives from the authorities, conducted a commissioned urban planning study on the long-term development of the site. The winning design by Züst Gübeli Gambetti architects of Zurich provides for the construction of up to 200 apartments as well as 25'000 m² of office and industrial space. Together with the existing "Lorzenpark" building, the site will over the long term be developed into a mixed quarter for living and working.


Included in the design is the project for the day school "Horbach". "Horbach" intends to build a boarding school and a day school on the site for a total of 50 students, but an alternative location is also being examined. Lukas Fehr, site developer at HIAG Immobilien, is convinced that "if the Horbach school decides in favor of Cham Nord, it would spark the development of a vibrant quarter". 


For information on the existing "Lorzenpark" building, see www.lorzenpark.ch.



Martin Durchschlag

Chief Executive Officer

T +41 61 606 55 28


Laurent Spindler

Chief Financial Officer

T +41 61 606 55 23



HIAG Immobilien Holding AG

Aeschenplatz 7

4052 Basel

T +41 61 606 55 00

