
HIAG's aspiration is to be one of the pioneers in the industry in the area of sustainability. Its activities are intended to achieve positive ecological, economic and social effects along the entire value chain.

Key sustainability figures


In 2024, the PV systems and hydropower plants on HIAG's sites generated a total of 12.3 GWh of green electricity.

CO2 Emissionen

HIAG's greenhouse gas emissions in 2024 amounted to: Scope 1 - 1,772 t CO2e, Scope 2 - 401 t CO2e and Scope 3 - 34,514 t CO2e.

Nachhaltige Finanzierung2 (2)

As at 31.12.2024, 32% of debt financing was attributable to green or sustainable instruments.

Innovation (1)

In 2024, 33% of the energy used by HIAG to operate the portfolio came from renewable sources.


As at 31.12.2024, 20% of the existing portfolio had been awarded a sustainability certificate.


On 31.12.2024, HIAG employed 80 people in German-speaking and French-speaking Switzerland.


Sustainability is a fundamental part of HIAG's business model and is at the heart of its business activities. HIAG is convinced that continuous progress in its own sustainability performance helps to identify entrepreneurial opportunities and risks at an early stage and to create excellent living spaces. In this way, HIAG generates social added value and entrepreneurial success. The sustainability strategy is embedded in the Corporate Strategy. This has been approved by the Board of Directors and is reviewed annually for optimisation.

NH Geschäftsmodell EN Website 2023

Sustainability goals 

HIAG sets itself ambitious and measurable goals. Information on the current degree of target achievement is provided in the sustainability report. Further goals are reviewed annually. Six goals are currently being pursued: 

  1. reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in the existing portfolio:
    a) The Scope 1 emissions of the existing portfolio are reduced by 85% per m2EBF by 2035 based on the 2021 values.
    b) The Scope 1 and 2 emissions of the existing portfolio are reduced by 65% per m2EBF by 2035 based on the 2021 values.
    c) By 2050, the scope 1 and 2 emissions of the existing portfolio are net 0 kg/m2EBF.

  2. develop greenhouse gas emission thresholds for new construction projects by 2026. This should further promote climate-friendly construction methods and reduce greenhouse gas emissions during the construction phase (Scope 3.2).
  3. further development of the existing concept for the promotion of biodiversity until 2026.
  4. improve general employee satisfaction by the end of 2025, based on the survey conducted in 2023.
  5. implementation of a comprehensive package of measures to further strengthen employee health and improve occupational safety in the workplace under HIAG's control by 2026.
  6. implementation of a comprehensive package of measures to further improve tenant satisfaction by 2026.
  7. by 2030, at least 30% of the properties in the existing portfolio will have a sustainability certificate.
  8. preparation of a position paper on the economically viable promotion of the circular economy by 2025.

Sustainability in action 


Sustainability is put into practice holistically at HIAG and understood as a driver of innovation. With numerous projects, HIAG creates environmental, economic and social added value every day.

Selected examples:

As part of the dismantling process in Biberist, large quantities of mineral deconstruction material are being produced. The demolition material is processed on site into recycled products, infused with CO2 from biogas plants, and reused on site. As the recycled concrete stores the CO2 permanently, this results in negative emissions. HIAG is working on this with the Swiss scaleup neustark.


HIAG operates five historic hydroelectric power plants at the Biberist, Diesbach, Aathal/Wetzikon and Frauenfeld sites. In 2024, this generated green electricity for around 1,900 households.


Wasserkraft (1)Wasserkraft (1)

In 2021, HIAG launched the HIAG Solar joint venture in partnership with aventron. As of 31 December 2024, the installed capacity was 6.6 MWp. The green electricity produced by HIAG Solar, which was made available to tenants in 2024 and fed into the grid, is equivalent to the electricity requirements of 1,100 households.

PV Anlage1PV Anlage1

The close to nature maintenance of HIAG’s large sites not only makes them appealing places to work and live, it also provides valuable niches for flora and fauna, and positively influences the microclimate.


N3 Toiture Végétale (1)N3 Toiture Végétale (1)

Cultural events such as summer festivals or children’s activities are regularly held at HIAG’s sites. By opening up the sites, HIAG strengthens its relationship with the local population and engages with them in an informal environment.



When preparing development concepts, HIAG attaches great importance to maintaining a dialogue with the public and the relevant stakeholders. The company therefore conducts numerous information events and participatory workshops on its development projects.

Wydeneck Labor 2.0Wydeneck Labor 2.0

The solar-powered LED car park lighting in Meyrin operates self-sufficiently and makes efficient use of resources. The integrated sensors regulate the light as needed. This is not only efficient, but also effectively reduces light pollution.

N5 Energie Solaire (1)N5 Energie Solaire (1)

HIAG is creating new economic power by reoccupying historic industrial sites. In doing so, it endeavours to preserve the existing structures. This saves resources and thus grey energy, but also keeps the regional industrial history alive. The result is appealing locations with a fascinating history that are pleasant places to spend time in.

Windisch Kunzareal Diesellokal BeschriftungWindisch Kunzareal Diesellokal Beschriftung

HIAG attaches great importance to close contact with tenants. Thanks to the in-house management and regular, in-person meetings with tenants, HIAG is well aware of its tenants’ needs.

Miniaturbild Mieterbetreuung Covid 19 1 (1)Miniaturbild Mieterbetreuung Covid 19 1 (1)

Sustainability policy and codes of conduct 

In order to live up to its responsibility as an ethically honest company, HIAG requires its employees and contracted business partners to adhere to its codes of conduct. They describe the expected business behaviour and define standards that must be respected and supported. Adherence to ethical standards and strict compliance with all laws relevant to the company form the basis of our activities. 

Sustainability policy for HIAG

Code of conduct for HIAG employees 

Code of conduct for HIAG's business partners and their subcontractors


HIAG's sustainability work is evaluated by various organisations. The results reflect the scope of the sustainability work performed and indicate additional HIAG strives to continuously improve the ratings it achieves. In doing so, HIAG focuses primarily on the Swiss sustainability rating from Inrate as well as the ratings of the Global Real Estate Sustainability Benchmark (GRESB). An expansion of the list of ratings relevant to HIAG and its stakeholders is reviewed annually.

  • Logo Inrate (1)

Inrate Sustainability Assessment 2024

Rating: B (scale A+ to D-)

Inrate is an independent Swiss sustainability rating agency. With the Sustainability Assessment, Inrate generates an industry-specific benchmark. Based on the above-average result, HIAG qualifies since 2022 for the SPI ESG Index of the SIX for the first time. The results from the Inrate Sustainability Assessment are decisive for inclusion in the index.

  • Logo Gresb (1)


Real Estate Assessment 2024:
Development: 80 out of 100 points, Green Star
Standing Investments: 68 out of 100 points, Green Star
GRESB Public Disclosure Level: A (scale A to F)

GRESB is the leading sustainability rating for the real estate industry. HIAG is participating in the GRESB Real Estate Assessments (Standing Investments and Development) since 2022.

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In October 2024, HIAG Immobilien Holding AG received an ESG Risk Rating of 15.6 and was assessed by Sustainalytics to be at low risk of experiencing material financial impacts from ESG factors

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