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Bond July21 Bond May22 Bond February23
Listing SIX Swiss Exchange SIX Swiss Exchange SIX Swiss Exchange
Security number 111'201'158 117'297'282 124'393'356
ISIN CH1112011585 CH1172972825 CH1243933566
Payment date 01. July 2021 30. May 2022 16. February 2023
Volume CHF 160 Mio. CHF 150 Mio. CHF 100 Mio.
Repayment 30. June 2028 30. October 2026 16. February 2029
Interest rate 0.75% p. a. payable yearly on the 30 June 1.77% p.a. payable yearly on the 30 october 3.130% p.a. payable yearly on the 16 february
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Listing SIX Swiss Exchange
Security number 111'201'158
ISIN CH1112011585
Payment date 01. July 2021
Volume CHF 160 Mio.
Repayment 30. June 2028
Interest rate 0.75% p. a. payable yearly on the 30 June
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Listing SIX Swiss Exchange
Security number 117'297'282
ISIN CH1172972825
Payment date 30. May 2022
Volume CHF 150 Mio.
Repayment 30. October 2026
Interest rate 1.77% p.a. payable yearly on the 30 october
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Listing SIX Swiss Exchange
Security number 124'393'356
ISIN CH1243933566
Payment date 16. February 2023
Volume CHF 100 Mio.
Repayment 16. February 2029
Interest rate 3.130% p.a. payable yearly on the 16 february
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