Portfolio/Asset Management

Active management – with our own specialists at the Aathal, Dietikon, Windisch, Biberist and Yverdon sites – along with continual optimisation and the rounding out of sites ensure long-term stable value creation in our real estate portfolio. The goal is to develop property strategies that can be implemented to increase real estate income and value. To do this, we focus on direct and personal contact with anchor tenants, local authorities and other stakeholders. More specifically, we strive to successfully position our properties on the market with an attractive mix of tenants, adaptations and conversions as well as active marketing. The revenue earned in this way allows us, via a step-by-step site maturation process, to aim for sustainable solutions that go beyond the underlying framework conditions and create value for several generations. Typical examples include the Papieri site in Biberist, the «Porte Sud» site in Lancy or the Metalli Wydeneck site in Dornach, which offers options for different interim and temporary uses over a long period of time before a mixed-use, distinctly urban quarter develops at the site.