Asset Management at HIAG


3 questions for Damien Sommer

Published: 10. September 2024

HIAG Damien Sommer HIAG Damien Sommer HIAG Damien Sommer HIAG Damien Sommer

HIAG is active in the areas of property development, portfolio and asset management as well as transactions. But who are the people behind HIAG? With the new series "3 questions to", a HIAG employee is introduced every month.

Damien Sommer works as an asset manager in the Geneva office.

Describe your job at HIAG: What are you responsible for?

I'm responsible for asset management for the French-speaking part of HIAG's portfolio. My main tasks are to ensure the well-being of our tenants on our sites, to make sure that our properties comply with the corporate strategy that has been put in place and to strive to optimise them on an ongoing basis - particularly in terms of ESG criteria, income received and minimisation of costs.

What do you particularly like about your work at HIAG?
I really enjoy the diversity of the properties we deal with on a day-to-day basis: from high-tech buildings/sites with energy certifications to industrial sites with a long history. Whether in development or in operation, there is no one model fits all. This forces us to invent, reinvent or adapt ways of thinking about and managing our assets.

What are the biggest challenges in your day-to-day work?
The diversity of our portfolio is a strength, but it's also a constraint, in that each item requires special, tailor-made care. To achieve this, we work day after day, hand in hand with HIAG's various departments (management, development, technical, accounting, etc.) to add the value that makes our sites so unique and therefore so attractive.