Wydeneck, Dornach


Successful information event to kick off the consultation process for the subzone plan

Published: 26. August 2024

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Last Tuesday, the municipality of Dornach presented the draft of the ‘Wydeneck’ subzone plan to the public.

HIAG was able to support the development of the regulations and actively participate in the event. The basis is the master plan from 2018, which was drawn up by the municipality, the canton and HIAG with the involvement of the population.

Around 80 people from the population of Dornach attended the event to find out more, ask questions and provide concentrated initial feedback. In addition to some questions, there was a lot of praise for the future neighbourhood near the new ‘Dornach-Apfelsee’ S-Bahn station, particularly for the inclusion of historic buildings and the generous green spaces. There were also repeated expressions of anticipation for the development of the former ‘Metalli’ site.

We are looking forward to the contributions that the people of Dornach can submit to the municipal council by the end of September.


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