Brugg, M+S site


Ideal for production and service-oriented companies

Areal Brugg Lagerhalle2 (1) Areal Brugg Lagerhalle2 (1)

The business and industrial location of the M+S site offers excellent conditions for production and service-oriented companies. Its optimal location in the heart of Switzerland makes it attractive for a multitude of uses.

Brugg (1)
Hiag Angebote Swiss Map
Commercial space 9,811 m²
Industrial space 4,501 m²
Office space 4,084 m²
Residential space 160 m²
To the site portrait

The M+S site in Brugg is located in an industrial area and has large reserves for further use. The innovative design of the former Georg Fischer factory premises with a beautiful brick building makes it possible to meet various users’ needs in a simple and pragmatic way. Furthermore, the site will be well connected to the A3 motorway with the planned south-west Brugg bypass.

Areal Brugg Lagerhalle Aussenansicht Tor2
Areal Brugg Lagerhalle Aussenansicht
Areal Brugg Lagerhalle Innenansicht 16Zu9
Areal Brugg Lagerhalle Tor1 Aussenansicht
Areal Brugg Lagerhalle Innenansicht 9Zu16
Areal Brugg Lagerhalle Aussenansicht Tor2
Areal Brugg Lagerhalle Aussenansicht
Areal Brugg Lagerhalle Innenansicht 16Zu9
Areal Brugg Lagerhalle Tor1 Aussenansicht
Areal Brugg Lagerhalle Innenansicht 9Zu16