

Flexible possibilities for industry and business

Luftaufnahme zukünftiges Reichholdareal Luftaufnahme zukünftiges Reichholdareal

The Reichhold site is one of the key development areas in the canton of Aargau. Its ideal location close to the Birrfeld motorway intersection makes it an attractive site for industry and commerce in the heart of Switzerland.

Hausen Lupfig (1)
Hiag Angebote Swiss Map
Site area 64,258 m²
Building volume 6,175 m³
To the site portrait

Half of the Reichhold site lies in the municipality of Hausen and the other half in the municipality of Lupfig in the direct vicinity of the Brugg/Windisch motorway entrance and offers practically unlimited possibilities for industrial and business operations. Inter-municipal issues such as housing, traffic, the environment and land management are regulated in a master plan. HIAG currently expects the site to be developed in multiple phases.