

Lively residential and commercial destination

Aussenansicht Gebäude Kunzareal Aussenansicht Gebäude Kunzareal

Where spindles and water wheels once spun in Windisch, HIAG has created a lively residential and commercial destination. The Kunzareal site is now an exuberant quarter and home for individualists and families, start-ups and companies.

Hiag Angebote Swiss Map
Site area 26,455 m²
Residential space 5,317 m²
Office space 2,719 m²
Number of apartments created 61
To the site portrait

The Kunzareal site directly on the Reuss river in Unterwindisch is home to four residential building projects with approximately 200 rental apartments and condominiums, a business park with small offices, workshops and co-working spaces and a residence for people with disabilities. It is connected to the regional heating grid and has a high-performance photovoltaic installation.

Windisch Kunzareal Diesellokal
Windisch Kunzareal Diesellokal2
Windisch, Kunzareal, Gbäude Spinnerei III
Windisch Kunzareal Innenhof
Windisch Kunzareal Kunzwerk Aussenansicht
Windisch Kunzareal Diesellokal
Windisch Kunzareal Diesellokal2
Windisch, Kunzareal, Gbäude Spinnerei III
Windisch Kunzareal Innenhof
Windisch Kunzareal Kunzwerk Aussenansicht